Creating a Scholarship

Scholarships are a wonderful way to support the dreams and ambitions of Valencia College students. Currently, Valencia College Foundation maintains more than 400 named endowed and non-endowed scholarships, and disbursed $2.5 million in scholarships and other financial assistance to more than 2,000 students in 2022-23.

A named endowed scholarship is created to exist in perpetuity. The minimum threshold to create a named endowed scholarship is $25,000. Earnings generated on the account will provide a disbursement of approximately 3-5 percent annually based on a rolling multi-year average of the account value, subject to market conditions and foundation board policy. When a gift commitment is made, the scholarship is pending endowment, and will begin disbursement no sooner than one year from the date the scholarship is fully endowed at $25,000 and has four full quarters in the investment pool. The scholarship may be supplemented at any time and will increase the amount available for disbursement.

A named non-endowed scholarship fund is created for immediate use and is meant to be spent down. The minimum threshold to create a named non-endowed scholarship is $10,000. 

For more information, please contact Angela Mendolaro, AVP, Major Gifts and Planned Giving at 407-582-3011 or

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Planned Giving

Planned giving is for people of all ages and economic statuses, and it doesn't have to be difficult. Join us by making a lasting legacy to change lives, transform the face of our community and help shape the future for Valencia College students.


The Valencia College Foundation offers a number of privately funded scholarships that are donated by organizations and individuals interested in supporting students.

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