Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Valencia Foundation?
The foundation is a separate, not-for-profit, IRS approved 501(c)(3) corporation chartered in 1974 to provide financially for the educational needs of Valencia College that cannot be met through state aid or student tuition income.

Can I tell the foundation how to spend my money?
Yes, you can tell our foundation how to utilize your donation by making a restricted gift.*Please see the next question and answer for more information about restricted and unrestricted gifts.

What is an outright gift?
An outright gift is an immediate, direct contribution, usually consisting of cash, real estate, or securities. Make a secure online donation today!


What does the Valencia College Foundation do?
The office coordinates campaigns that help Valencia College provide a range of benefits, including scholarships, new technology, facilities, faculty improvements and special programs. Nearly 60 alumni and community leaders volunteer generously of their time, talent and resources by serving on the board of directors.

What is the difference between a restricted gift and an unrestricted gift?
If you make a restricted gift, also known as a designated gift, you can direct your contribution to a specific scholarship, academic program or any other special need. If you make an unrestricted gift—one with no restrictions on its use—you give Valencia College the ability to apply funds where students need them most, including taking advantage of unexpected opportunities and meeting unforeseen challenges.


Will I receive tax benefits for my gift?
Yes, in most cases, the college’s supporters can deduct gifts from their taxes. Besides making direct, one-time contributions, you may also want to consider the long-term tax and estate-planning benefits of giving through annuities, trusts and other financial tools.

How can I double or even triple my contribution?
Check with the human resources office at your company to see if it offers a matching funds program. More than 1,200 corporations have programs that match employees’ gifts to organizations like Valencia College.


Can I make a gift in honor or memory of someone?
Yes. As a tribute to a friend, colleague, mentor, family member, or anyone else, you can give in a person’s name. You can mail or add persons name when donating online.

What is a planned gift? What is a deferred gift?
A planned gift or deferred gift is an arrangement to make a contribution to the Valencia Foundation, usually in the future. Annuities, trusts, and bequests in a will are examples of planned gifts. Sample language and Valencia Foundation's tax ID can be found by clicking here. For more information, please visit our planned giving website or contact the foundation at (407) 582-3150.


Are all gifts useful?
Yes, gifts of all amounts are deeply appreciated no matter how large or modest. Added to other gifts, any one gift combined has a large impact. Any gift demonstrates your concern for educational excellence at Valencia. Make a secure donation online today!

Can I make a gift online?
Yes. It’s quick, easy and secure through our online donation form.

What is an Annual Fund?
An Annual Fund is a yearly campaign that raises resources for student scholarships and college programs and establishes a vehicle for Valencia College to broaden its base of support. The rental income from the foundation’s real estate investments cover most of the foundation’s operating and fund-raising expenses, ensuring that 100 percent of donations are used exclusively for our donors’ intended purpose.

What is the Capital Campaign?
The Capital Campaign is a special campaign for new investments in people, programs, technology, and facilities for Valencia.

Where can I get more information?
Contact the Valencia Foundation at Park Place at MetroWest - 1768 Park Center Drive - Orlando, FL 32835; (407) 582-3150 or by emailing


Are there any advantages to making an outright gift?
Yes! In fact, the or are many advantages of making an outright gift of cash, property, securities, or other assets to the Valencia Foundation:

  • You provide instant assistance to the college and gain an immediate tax deduction.
  • You usually get a charitable deduction for the full cost of the gift in the year you make it.
  • It’s an easy, efficient way to support a cause you believe in.
  • There are no complex financial documents to fill out.
  • You get the satisfaction of offering direct financial help that furthers Valencia’s mission of reaching out to potential students and providing affordable, accessible learning opportunities.
  • You receive other benefits depending on the type of gift: cash, real estate, or appreciated securities.

Because most Valencia College Foundation benefactors make an outright gift of cash, the foundation has established several convenient ways for you to provide that support, including a check or credit card.


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